A dictionary/glossary/lexicon as sort of a cosmic, meeting of the minds, collaboration of the likes of Dan Webster, Sam Johnson, Ambrose Bierce, Hunter S. Thompson, Wm. F. Buckley, Grouch Marx, W. C. Fields and many more... even though its editors are obscure unknowns with dreadfully dangerous senses of humor. WARNING: This website may contain some slightly adult content - get parental viewing approval if you are 18 or under!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Oprah Winfrey image licensed under Creative Commons by Alan Light.
Noprah: "Just say "NO" to Oprah's health advice.
References: Criticisms and controversies and Newsweek: Why 'Oprah' advice could make you sick.
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
References/Commentary: Susan Boyle, dragoon and Boyle second on ‘Talent’. We hate to be cruel, but... (she will still become rich, we're sure...)...we apologize to absolutely everyone in the world.
Updated: Sunday, May 31, 2009
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Cadi11ac or Cad11ac
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cypherdactyly or Cryptodactyly
Friday, May 22, 2009
Suspensus Habeas Corpus
'"Habeas Corpus: Born 1215, Died 2006" Banner At The Public Witness Against Torture (Washington, DC: March 10, 2008)' image licensed under Creative Commons by takomabibelot
Suspensus Habeas Corpus: (1) Literally, a suspension of Habeas Corpus and related laws and rights (for a prolonged period of time) - usually in the event of political expediency. (2) Based on President Obama's revelation of "prolonged detention" policy in his speech on National Security, yesterday, Thursday, May 22, 2009. See also: Extensus Habeas Corpus and Habeas Corpus longinquus detineo.
References: ‘Prolonged detention’ , Rachel, Habeas Corpus, National security showdown, Countdown, House, Senate refuse to close Gitmo, Andrea Mitchell, Suspensus Habeas Corpus and Extensus Habeas Corpus.
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Extensus Habeas Corpus
"GitmObama" image licensed under Creative Commons by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com
Extensus Habeas Corpus: (1) Literally, "You may have the body/person for an extended period (of time)." Based on President Obama's revelation of "prolonged detention" policy in his speech on National Security, yesterday, Thursday, May 22, 2009. (2) To be held without charge nor due process of law for an unspecified period of time. See also: Habeas Corpus longinquus detineo.
References: Habeas Corpus longinquus detineo, ‘Prolonged detention’ , Rachel, Habeas Corpus, National security showdown, Countdown, House, Senate refuse to close Gitmo, Andrea Mitchell, Suspensus Habeas Corpus and Extensus Habeas Corpus.
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Habeas Corpus longinquus detineo
"Habeas Corpus" image licensed under Creative Commons by Caveman 92223
Habeas Corpus longinquus detineo: (Not meant to be a humorous definition, sort of a "cold fuzzy".). (1) Literally (?) "you may have/detain the body (person) for a prolonged period of time" - based on President Obama's revelation of "prolonged detention" policy in his speech on National Security, yesterday, Thursday, May 22, 2009. (2) To be held without charge nor due process of law for an unspecified period of time.
References: ‘Prolonged detention’ , Rachel, Habeas Corpus, National security showdown, Countdown, House, Senate refuse to close Gitmo, Andrea Mitchell, Suspensus Habeas Corpus and Extensus Habeas Corpus.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Non-Warm Fuzzies or Cold Fuzzies
References: Is Obama like Twobama and Bushama? And More for Thursday, May 21, 2009.
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Wysiwygama or Wysigama
References: Michael Isikoff on Rachel Maddow (5/20/09) on Obama Secret Meeting w Human Rights Groups, Is Obama like Twobama and Bushama? And More for Thursday, May 21, 2009, Twobama and Bushama.
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Bushama image on image licensed under Creative Commons by Image Editor
Twobama: (1) The reported/reputed difference observed in Barack Obama's private and public personas. For more, see Michael Isikoff's reports on Rachel (5/20/2009) and the secret Obama meetings with Human Rights Groups. See also: Bushama. And: Does Barack Obama really have two sides to his personality? Is he wandering the halls of the White House into the wee hours of the morning talking to the presidential portraits of Washington and Lincoln a la Richard Nixon? God, we hope not. Stewie: Yes we do! Yes we do! Dictionary: Stop it! (3) Holding out on government documents thereby dashing the "transparency in government" promise.
References: Michael Isikoff on Rachel Maddow (5/20/09) on Obama Secret Meeting w Human Rights Groups, Government won’t release wiretap documents , Gov't Refuses To Release Wiretap Document and Bushama.
Updated: Sunday, May 31, 2009
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
References (Updated: 5/29/2009): US pressures Israel on two-state plan,Obama presses Abbas, Israel on West Bank and Pax Obama.
More References: Iran 'test launches' mid-range missile and Report: U.S. Confirms Iran Missile Success.
Updated: May 20, 2009
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Monday, May 18, 2009
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Proreduction: (1) A serious play on the words reduction and reproduction. Regarding President Obama's speech at Notre Dame yesterday, Sunday, May 17, 2009, on the topics of reducing unwanted pregnancies in tandem with the reduction of abortions. (2) A philosophical/political/theological middle-ground between pro-life and pro-choice ideologies and forces. References: Obama calls for 'fair-minded' abortion debate, Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 and U.S. Const. Amend. XIV. (* Abortifacient agents).
Example: "Can a philosophy of proreduction help reduce the abortion and birth rates"?
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
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O-POD / I-POD / F-POD: (1) Original President (US) of Diversity or Initial President of Diversity or First President of Diversity. (Barack Obama). (You probably saw this one coming if you read our previous post). Not a new acronym, but appears to be a new definition. Again, we wanted to avoid using the last acronym, because there might be those inclined to associate it with an unfortunate expletive. We hope not. We love him almost as much as Michelle Obama. (2) The middle acronym is an indirect reference to President Obama's love of his Blackberry and being a "techie or tekkie".
Which leads us to wonder, who will be the SPOD (Second President of Diversity)?
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O-FLOD / I-FLOD / F-FLOD: Original- or Initial- or First-First Lady of Diversity. (Michelle Obama). Not a new acronym, but appears to be a new definition. We wanted to avoid using the last acronym due to the obvious opportunities to those to use an unfortunate expletive or two in the redefinition of the same. Of course, it could also be redefined to read: "First-First Lady of Divinity". Which we wouldn't want, because we have just fallen head over heels in love (no, no, not that kind of love...gee whiz...) with our First Lady as most people have.
Which leads to the next acronym, the S-FLOD: the Second First Lady of Diversity. Or will it be the F-FMOD: the First-First Man of Diversity? We wonder...
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Friday, May 15, 2009
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CQA or C?A
References: George Tenet, Karl Christian Rove, Pelosi says CIA lied on 'torture', Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, Zelikow Memo, The Z-Moment, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, waterboarding , torture, zelcupatory, zelli non culpa, and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
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The P-Moment
Image licensed under Creative Commons by jurvetson
The P-Moment: (1) Yes, the unfortunate reference to Ms. Pelosi's refutation that she (and other members of Congress) were informed about the waterboarding procedures being used on political detainees. (2) That moment in political and/or public discourse where the public is forced/almost forced to see the light of day and/or other insights into a major, growing scandal. See also: Pelosi: CIA misled me on waterboarding,
Pelosi raises stakes in detainee debate,
Pelosi says CIA lied on 'torture', and/or
More References: Karl Christian Rove, Pelosi says CIA lied on 'torture', Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, Zelikow Memo, The Z-Moment, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, waterboarding , torture, zelcupatory, zelli non culpa, and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Waterboard-Gate Affair or Scandal
References: Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, Zelikow Memo, The Z-Moment, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, waterboarding , torture, zelcupatory, zelli non culpa, Watch Senator Carl Levin Smack Down Chemissions on MSNBC and David Shuster and David Corn smack down on GOP Mouthpiece (Terry Jeffrey) on Government Torture Memos, Watch Erich Muller (“Mancow”) Defend his Waterboarding “Stunt” (Successfully, we thought…) on Countdown on MSNBC and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
Zelcupatory or Zelli Non Culpa
References: Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, Zelikow Memo, The Z-Moment, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
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The Z-Moment
References: Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, Zelikow Memo, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, Watch Senator Carl Levin Smack Down Chemissions on MSNBC and David Shuster and David Corn smack down on GOP Mouthpiece (Terry Jeffrey) on Government Torture Memos, Watch Erich Muller (“Mancow”) Defend his Waterboarding “Stunt” (Successfully, we thought…) on Countdown on MSNBC, and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
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Zelikow Memo
References: Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, The Z-Moment, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture,
Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture,
Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, Watch Erich Muller (“Mancow”) Defend his Waterboarding “Stunt” (Successfully, we thought…) on Countdown on MSNBC, Watch Senator Carl Levin Smack Down Chemissions on MSNBC and David Shuster and David Corn smack down on GOP Mouthpiece (Terry Jeffrey) on Government Torture Memos, Watch Erich Muller (“Mancow”) Defend his Waterboarding “Stunt” (Successfully, we thought…) on Countdown on MSNBC and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn