A dictionary/glossary/lexicon as sort of a cosmic, meeting of the minds, collaboration of the likes of Dan Webster, Sam Johnson, Ambrose Bierce, Hunter S. Thompson, Wm. F. Buckley, Grouch Marx, W. C. Fields and many more... even though its editors are obscure unknowns with dreadfully dangerous senses of humor. WARNING: This website may contain some slightly adult content - get parental viewing approval if you are 18 or under!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Image licensed under Creative Commons by pt

Updated: Thursday, September 2, 2010* (See Below)
Anti-Time: Is the unfortunate proposal that time will eventually come to a stop - and could even be due to consequences from human activity, engineering and science.  We got this idea from at least two sources: Ray Kurzweil and Star Trek: TNG Last Episodes(!).  (Yes, yes we were big fans of the TV series and occasionally view a repeat every now and then.) 

Our main reference is to the book by Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity is Near.  One of the propositions seems to be that computer speeds will continue to increase at an accelerated pace. 

One wonders if the pace will continue to the point where computations will literally exceed "light speed".  What if they continue to accelerate to the point where computations will become instantaneous?  At which point, time will become unnecessary (who ever thought that time was necessary?).  At which point, time's reality becomes obvious and even stops.  This might be the true singularity. 

At which, point time itself could implode upon itself and reverse.  Thus creating the phenomenon of "anti-time"?  Everything affected by time (the universe) would then reverse in time.  Except, of course, for certain sub-atomic particles!  The universe would literally implode upon itself in this gigantic reversal.  A sort of a "Reverse Big Bang" would then be created.  Could the universe start all over again?

FOM: The Singularity is Near (on Google Books), Wikipedia Link on Arrow of Time, Wikipedia Link on Ray Kurzweil, Glenn Beck's Interview of Kurzweil (!), US Military to Attack Moore's Law for Future Computers (from BBC News), *Stephen Hawking: God Did Not Create the Universe (from BBC News), Spontaneous Creation or the Big Splat and Time's Arrow from Google Books

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lunar Reduction or Lunduction

Image licensed under Creative Commons by Mike Baird

Lunar Reduction or Lunduction: Is the unfortunate conflation of lunar and reduction.  That's it, the Moon seems to be shrinking in size.  ABC News reported that it appears to have shrunk by the length of 2 football fields (American).  That's right - the moon appears to be shrinking. 

FOM: NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Reveals 'Incredible Shrinking Moon'.

Amusing Observation?  - Yesterday we posted about Secure Redaction.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Secure Redaction

Redacted Document image licensed under Creative Commons by jon.bell

Secure Redaction: So you thought you deleted that sensitive or possibly embarrassing information from your documents (WORD and PDFs)?  But, the NSA says you may not have.  You may have left traces of the sensitive information in your 'redacted document'.  Yes, they wrote a brief manual on a suggested procedure.  You can link to it here: http://wikileaks.org/w/images/7/75/NSA-redact.pdf

Please note: We found this interesting document while searching for the 'uncrackable insurance file' on Wikileaks.  This appears to be the link to the mysterious insurance file.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Salmonella Did you know that over 200 million eggs have been recalled?  See our posting at this link. http://thelostcookbook.blogspot.com/2010/08/over-200-million-eggs-have-been.html

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Image licensed under Creative Commons by DonkeyHotey

Updated: Friday, August 20, 2010*

MLKvBeck828:  When we left Twitter (yes, yes, we did! - we deactivated our account which makes it even more difficult to rejoin!), the one "trending topic" that we contributed to might have been the DC Rally planned by Glenn Beck (and his one follower?) for August 28, 2010 (Which is a Saturday, by the way...).  The hashtag for the topic/event became the now-infamous #MLKvBeck828 topic

It was unfortunate that this date was chosen by Mr. Beck and his one lone supporter (?) for the date of his rally as it coincides with the date of the late, great Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.  (Yes, even though this is a link to the Wikipedia page we urge you to visit it for its great External Links to the YouTube National Archives records of the march itself.)  Many tweeters - including ourselves, who view Mr. King as a prophet - saw this coincidence as an affront to the great man himself (Mr. King ~ not Mr. Beck) - perhaps even a racist affront. 

Apropos to the times, we tweeted some suggestions for preparing for The Rally, as well as making preparations for the G20 Protests which were happening in Toronto at the time.  Because some of our tweeps (Twitter friends) might still be planning to protest or counter-protest the 8/28 "event", we think some of the same preparations and precautions may be in order.  We will present some of those below.  Why?  Well, for one thing, the event does coincide with the day of the March on Washington of '63 - we expect many Americans to be insulted and will show up to express their outrage perhaps.  And by the way, there are still 40 unsold tickets to the Beck event!  HAH!

You may need some of the following items if you are a protestor or counter-protestor:

1) Handcuff Key  Please note: We do not approve, authorize nor endorse the use of these devices if you are under formal arrest by the police.  Once arrested YOU ARE OUT OF THE GAME.  However, the possession of the key does not imply resistance of arrest.  You should make it clear that it is for your own personal protection.  USE THE KEY ONLY IF YOU OR OTHERS ARE IN CLEAR OR IMMINENT PHYSICAL DANGER.  Fair use of the key is constituted if you are taken against your will by unauthorized persons or personnel. 

2) Nylon Tie Cutter   Once again Please note: We do not approve, authorize nor endorse the use of these devices if you are under formal arrest by the police. Once arrested YOU ARE OUT OF THE GAME. However, the possession of the cutter does not imply resistance of arrest. You should make it clear that it is for your own personal protection. USE THE CUTTER ONLY IF YOU OR OTHERS ARE IN CLEAR OR IMMINENT PHYSICAL DANGER. Fair use of the cutter is constituted if you are taken against your will by unauthorized persons or personnel.

Remember: Resisting arrest is a crime.

3) Spyderco Knife  Once again Please note: We do not approve, authorize nor endorse the use of these devices if you are under formal arrest by the police. Once arrested YOU ARE OUT OF THE GAME. However, the possession of the knife does not imply resistance of arrest. You should make it clear that it is for your own personal protection. USE THE KNIFE ONLY IF YOU OR OTHERS ARE IN CLEAR OR IMMINENT PHYSICAL DANGER. Fair use of the KNIFE is constituted if you are taken against your will by unauthorized persons or personnel.


One other potential use for the Spyderco knife is that they have been reported for the use of cutting through seat belts.  This tool is also a potential life saver for persons trapped in a vehicle in a dangerous and life threatening situation. 

4) Copy of the United States Constitution.  Oh, we don't know, we just think it might be handy to have ~ or provide you with something to read if you should be in jail...

5) Gas Mask This should be obvious.  You will need it if the authorities decide they need to toss those canisters!  It will be worth having one just to see Mssrs. Beck and Palin having to don theirs - if they have one....It should be comical if Sarah and Glenn have to fight over who gets to wear the gas mask!  That should really give Becky something to cry about!  Also, an old remedy for tear gas is to urinate (we know, gross) on a handkerchief or other piece of cloth or linen.  This should then be placed against the mouth and nasal openings to prevent the effects of the tear gas.

Speaking of which, the Sarah Palin DIY mask might make a great fashion statement at the Rally!  Go team!

6) The Family Jewels You should consider having a cup just in case something should strike you in the groin - by accident or not.  You too ladies!

7) Body Armor Might come in really handy should things get really ugly...Serio, babe.

8) Head and Facial Protection If you decide to wear a Redskins helmet, just tell everybody without one that you're a really big fan!  But, seriously, you shold consider wearing a helmet.

9) Tear Gas or Mace: Might be illegal to have this on your person.  Not Recommended!  But, if you are in a jam, and without police protection, these could be lifesavers!

10) Life Jacket  Might come in handy if somebody decides to try and drown you in the reflecting pool...

11) Baton For police personnel only, but like (9), might come in handy in a pinch...  NOT TO BE USED AS AN OFFENSIVE WEAPON.  INFORM THE POLICE IF YOU HAVE ONE ON YOUR PERSON AND YOU ARE ARRESTED!

12) Portable Police Radio Might come in handy if you have to alert them to a dangerous situation!  Might also come in handy if you need to stay in contact with your group!  Of course, you should not forget your cell phone this day!

13) Identification: You might not want to forget it this day!  Think about Arizona...

14) NO FIREARMS!  None at all!  Do not carry at the Rally!  Forbidden!

15) Safety glasses or goggles Might be a good idea, too.

16) If we left anything out, you might want to consider the writings of Saul Alinsky or George Hayduke...or Hunter S. Thompson...

That all said, we hope you found the links informative or at least entertaining.

While we are still on the subject of Glenn Beck, you should catch the BookTV program about Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance by Alexander Zaitchik.  We found Mr. Zaitchik to be humorously petulant - even prickly - while discussing his book.  But, who can blame him?  He said that he had spent about a year wallowing in the "works" of Mr. Beck.  We got the sense from him that he considers Mr. Beck to be a truly alarming and dangerous individual.  Which causes us to warn you even further to carry some protective gear (mentioned above) should you be daring enough (or foolhardy enough?) to visit the Rally on 8/28/2010.   The Q&A session with Mr. Zaitchik was very good - those are usually a crashing bore if you catch the wrong BookTV program - if you know what we mean...  If we recall correctly, one of Mr. Zaitchik's main arguments is that Mr. Beck does not need Fox News for the increase and spread of his empire.  Despite all the vaunted advertising losses and evacuations from his program, he still has a $30 Million/year or so empire.  Apparently, Mr. Zaitchik does not see this stopping anytime soon.  You can find out more about Mr. Zaitchik at his website.  You might be able to find more at AlterNet.org.  (You might also want to see Mr. Zaitchik's commentary against Twitter).  Despite Mr. Zaitchik's attitude about Twitter and his apparent discomfort on BookTV, we think he is an important and rational voice and you might do well to heed him and his thoughts.

Oh! And there's more Beck news, see the Mother Jones Front Cover story in the July+August 2010 issue "The Golden Fleece - They Trusted Glenn Beck to Protect Their Nest Eggs.  He's Laughing All The Way ToThe Bank" (page 24).

If we left anything out, please comment!  Or please use the quick links below for a quick comment!  Thank you.
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