References: George Tenet, Karl Christian Rove, Pelosi says CIA lied on 'torture', Exculpatory, Rachel (Maddow), Philip D. Zellikow on Rachel Regarding Torture Memo and Testimony of May 13, 2009, Zelikow Memo, The Z-Moment, Zelikow advocates independent investigation into torture policies, Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture, Philip D. Zelikow, Ex-FBI agent criticizes harsh terrorism tactics, Former FBI Agent: Enhanced Interrogations 'Ineffective, Harmful', FBI WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONY: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics, Alberto Gonzales, Ali Soufan (Wikipedia), Malcolm Nance on Rachel Regarding Ineffectiveness of Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse on Countdown Regarding Senate Hearings on Interrogation/Torture, Sheldon Whitehouse, Richard Wolffe Commentary on Countdown Regarding Interrogation/Torture Hearings/Proceedings, waterboarding , torture, zelcupatory, zelli non culpa, and Obama defends abuse photos U-turn
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