Chayota or Chaota: The unfortunate conflation of Chaos and Toyota (Motors)...The Japanese art of suicide by automobile... With regards to the current media circus surrounding Toyota and its record number of (mainly safety-related) recalls and Congressional Hearings with Henry Waxman and Akio Toyoda and tearful testimonies such as that of Rhonda Smith...and Oy Vey! Not to mention that the Toyota Scientific and Engineering and Maintenance Departments being in total chaos - every garage and every bay and every laboratory available is probably in 24/7 use right now ripping the sh*t out of the millions of vehicles in question. *Japanese engineers and other employees once famous for being overworked probably now seriously contemplating seppuku during this massive fiasco. Chaos.
Actually, speaking from experience from the working side of American automotive companies, we have genuine sympathy and empathy for the hell that the poor b*st*rds at Toyota are going through right now as we witness and write about this. If we could, we'd be working right there with them, side-by-side. It is just that awful. This is the Haiti and Tsunami 2004 of industry combined...even worse, figuratively of course... Well, at least James Lentz and his colleagues haven't taken to leaping out of the highest floor of the Toyota HQ - at least not just yet...
*Actually, we're going to speculate on the real root cause of this issue - the layoff or non-hiring of the necessary engineers and scientists...sorry to say...
Revised/Updated: Friday, February 26, 2010
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