A dictionary/glossary/lexicon as sort of a cosmic, meeting of the minds, collaboration of the likes of Dan Webster, Sam Johnson, Ambrose Bierce, Hunter S. Thompson, Wm. F. Buckley, Grouch Marx, W. C. Fields and many more... even though its editors are obscure unknowns with dreadfully dangerous senses of humor. WARNING: This website may contain some slightly adult content - get parental viewing approval if you are 18 or under!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Image licensed under Creative Commons by Cameron Nordholm

Fraudistan: The most unfortunate (and somewhat obvious) portmanteau of vote fraud and Afghanistan. Regarding the much reported vote rigged presidential election results in Afghanistan. Hugo: Oh, and by the way, US OUT OF AFGHANISTAN.

Bit.ly: http://bit.ly/1zKQFB

FOM: Fraud probe paves way to Afghan runoff, Karzai 'stripped of outright win', Afghan poll picture darkens with run-off looming, Afghan election goes to run-off ,
Afghan panel orders presidential runoff and
Hamid Karzai.

Updated / Revised: Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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