A dictionary/glossary/lexicon as sort of a cosmic, meeting of the minds, collaboration of the likes of Dan Webster, Sam Johnson, Ambrose Bierce, Hunter S. Thompson, Wm. F. Buckley, Grouch Marx, W. C. Fields and many more... even though its editors are obscure unknowns with dreadfully dangerous senses of humor. WARNING: This website may contain some slightly adult content - get parental viewing approval if you are 18 or under!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Pirate Exchange or Jolly Roger Exchange

The Pirate Exchange or Jolly Roger Exchange: The unfortunate conceptual collisions of pirate or Jolly Roger and Stock Exchange. A consortium of pirates for the purported purpose of funding further 'privateering expeditions'. Yikes!

Ronnie: The bombing starts now! The Dictionary: Whoa! Easy Ron! Easy!

Bit.ly: http://bit.ly/4LUQGK

FOM: Somali sea gangs lure investors at pirate lair and Piracy in Somalia

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